Weather Station
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation likely. Windy with possible wind shift to the W, SW, or S.

Current Wind Speed Current Wind Direction Current Wind Direction

Elevation is 29 metres.
Last upload was at 1:30pm on 08/03/23

Current Inside Temperature is: 23.9°c
Current Outside Temperature is: 30.6°c and the WIND CHILL is 30.6 °c
Outside Minimum temperature was 16.1°c at 5:45am
Outside Maximum temperature was 32.3°c at 12:20pm
The barometer is 1013.9 hPa and Falling Slowly
The wind speed was: 0.0 km/hr from the NW (319 degrees)
No rain today. Weather Data using Cumulus Software

Moon Phases

Current Moon Phase
Sunrise: 6:11am.
Sunset: 6:44pm.

Daily Rain Graph
Rainfall today: 0.0 mm. Month to date: 0.0 mm. Year to date: 578.8 mm.

Earth Winds & Waves